Using Nootropics to Enhance Your Creativity

Nootropics have a lot to offer in terms of increasing creativity. Anyone who is interested in becoming more artistic and innovative; who wants to boost their brainpower and improve their imagination, or who wants inspiration so that they can get in the zone and find some enthusiasm for things to focus on may want to try nootropics.

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Nootropics operate on a range of neurotransmitters and can also impact hormones and other parts of the body that work on both focus and creativity. They can help people to think better and for longer, can improve a person’s memory and mood, reduce their anxiety, and sharpen their sensory capabilities as well. Some people find that nootropics reduce their inhibitions – in particular, conditioned fears – so they are more willing to take risks and therefore more willing to be creative.

Innovation, imagination, and thinking outside of the box are all things that fall into the creative sphere – but which nootropics can help with that? Let’s take a look:


Sulbutiamine is one that is often dismissed as a nootropic, but it has some good properties for boosting mood and motivation. It is a synthetic derivative of Vitamin B1, which happens to have some nice additional properties.


Aniracetam is a popular nootropic which is a more potent version of piracetam. It is an older supplement, first being developed in the 1970s, but it is one that has stood the test of time and that is still incredibly popular today.

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Coluracetam is a relatively new addition to the nootropic family. It offers the same cognitive enhancement properties as most of the other racetams, but with the additional benefits that it can help to fight against anxiety, and also help with depressive disorders. It boosts mood and it can help with creativity.

Stacking Nootropics

Many people choose to stack nootropics in order to get the maximum benefit from them. Combining nootropics that help with memory, mood, focus, and motivation can help people to think more clearly, focus on the task at hand, and actually get into a headspace where creativity is an option.

There are many nootropics out there, and it would be all too easy to pour a fortune into them – but if you’re piling together things that either do the same job or that don’t mix well, you’d be wasting time and money.

A good beginner stack, for people who are looking to try nootropics for the first time – would use caffeine, l-theanine, sulbutiamine, noopept, and aniracetam, with perhaps some alpha GPC threw in there as well. Collectively, these can help to increase your motivation and improve your mood, while also helping you to stay relaxed.

Caffeine is the entry-level nootropic – it’s really a stimulant and it can help people to feel more focused and energetic, but at the expense of jitters. L-theanine can help to take away those jitters, giving you the energy without the tension. This is one reason people drink green tea instead of coffee – both have caffeine in them, but you don’t feel the impact from the tea quite as much.

Sulbutiamine helps to improve a person’s mood, and alpha GPC is a choline compound which can help to boost brain function – including memory formation and recall. It is great for helping people to think more clearly, and it can help you with your imagination since it lifts away the brain fog that makes it hard for so many people to think.

Everyone has their own experiences and will respond differently to different supplements – so try a few things and see what you think.

The Potential Side Effects Of Nootropics

Nootropics have been proven to e some of the safest nutritional supplements on the market, but this does not mean that they do not have side effects. If you are thinking of taking Nootropics, you need to know what the potential side effects are. It is also important to note how common the side effects are to determine how likely it is that you will suffer from them.


The most common side effect of Nootropics is headaches. This is particularly common when you are using supplements from the Racetam class. The primary reason for this side effect is the fact that these supplements focus on the brain and makes it work harder. This will increase the amount of acetylcholine that the body produces and many of these supplements will push the body to make more of this hormone than is possible.

This high demand will lead to the receptor sites starting to burn out. When this happens, you will suffer from a synaptic over-excitement which will lead to headaches. Depending on the severity of a headache, you may be able to counteract this side effect.

GI Tract Issues

Any excessive use of Nootropics can lead to problems with the GI tract. When you have large doses of these supplements, the body may start to see this as a threat and start processes to eliminate the excessive material. These processes will generally lead to other side effects such as nausea, discomfort, and diarrhea.

It is important to note that this side effect is generally felt by people who are taking nootropics regularly or have taken an excessive dose. There are a number of ways that you can avoid this side effect completely. The first is to reduce the dose that you have been taking if you feel any hints of this side effect.

This will generally bring the levels of the supplement to recommended levels. If you are not able to lower the dose, you should stop using the supplement for a few days. This will allow the levels in your body to balance on their own.

Fatigue And Insomnia
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There are a lot of nootropics which are used to increase energy levels and to improve your alertness. When you use these supplements, you could suffer from either insomnia or fatigue. It is important to note that you will generally only suffer from one of these side effects.

The chances of insomnia are increased when the supplement is taken close to bedtime as your mind will be over-stimulated for this activity. This will lead to you being unable to fall asleep and when you are able to fall asleep, you will not get high-quality rest. This will result in you feeling tired when you wake up even when you have slept for many hours.

Fatigue is more common when you are using nootropics that promote sleep later in the day. If you do not take these supplements at the right time, you will suffer from daytime fatigue. Fatigue can also be caused by excessive doses of nootropics which promote alertness. After a few hours, you will start to feel burnt out and this will lead to fatigue.

Other Potential Side Effects

There are other potential side effects that are not as common as headaches, insomnia, fatigue and GI tract issues. These side effects will include anxiety, restlessness, mood disorders, depression, and nervousness. Fortunately, these side effects are actually rare and will only occur when you use certain nootropics.

It is important to note that there have also been cases of skin irritation and rashes from supplement use. Some people have also suffered from lightheadedness and increased blood pressure. These risks are generally associated with taking high doses of the supplement.

There are many side effects that you need to know about before you take any nootropics. These supplements are considered safe, but you could react to them if you take a high dose or if you take the supplements at the wrong time. Before you start using any of these supplements, you should speak to your doctor to ensure that there are no potential side effects that you will face due to health problems or other medication you are taking. A good way to ensure you are taking the correct dosages is to purchase a premade nootropic stack such as Noocube or Neuro Peak. But always be sure to read a noocube review and neuro peak review to find out which is the best for you.

Key Benefits Of Nootropic Supplements

Nootropic supplements are known as smart or brain pills, and they offer a number of benefits. You should learn about some of the top nootropic benefits before you buy a supplement. Below are the top four benefits of using nootropic supplements.

One of the main benefits of using a nootropic is it might improve your memory, which means you’ll be able to retain information in a more efficient way. If you’re studying for a test or you need a good memory to complete work-related tasks, then consider using a nootropic. Many nootropics have been formulated specifically to boost one’s memory, and many of them contain ingredients that are natural and safe. Whether you’re a young adult, middle-aged person or older, you can benefit from having an improved memory, which is exactly why it might be worth using good premade nootropic stacks.

Focus And Attention
If you’re like many people, then you have difficulties with focusing and concentrating on tasks, but nootropics can help you with this. If you struggle with focusing your attention on a task or specific topic, then you could see an improvement if you take a good supplement. Not only that but as your ability to focus improves, so will your motivation and clarity. The more motivation and the more focus you have, the easier it will be to complete tasks or to just get through the day.

Improve Your Mood
When people are in a bad mood or they lack motivation, then their ability to focus will suffer greatly. There are a number of studies that show that irregular eating habits and sleeping patterns can have a negative impact on your mood. This can also lead to stress and depression, which can also have an adverse impact on your overall health.

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However, taking a nootropic might improve your overall mood. Best of all, this is one of the benefits you’ll likely notice within the first week or two of using it. If you want to experience better moods on a frequent basis, then you’ll want to consider using a nootropic supplement.

Boost Creativity And Reasoning
There are nootropics that can boost your creativity and reasoning. This is why more and more people who need creative skills are using nootropics. Whether you’re a singer, writer, business owner, artists or someone else who relies on creativity and reasoning, you should use a quality nootropic supplement if you want to boost both your reasoning and creative thinking skills.

Other Benefits
Keep in mind that the above are only a handful of potential benefits of using nootropics. Other benefits include more energy and reduced fatigue, which means you’ll be able to work longer and you’ll be more efficient. When you have more energy and lasting energy, then getting through a long workday will be a lot easier.

Those are the benefits of using nootropics. Keep in mind there are many brands of supplements. Do your research on various nootropics and choose the one you think will work the best and the one with the best ingredients.


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